Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Title:  If Life Is So Short
Artist:  The Moffatts
Country:  Canada

This song was written by The Moffatts, a Canadian group composed of four brothers Scott Moffatt, Clint Moffatt, Bob Moffatt and Dave Moffatt. They were so popular here in Asia where they had numerous sold-out concerts in 1998, 1999 and 2000.  Their album Chapter I: A New Beginning which contains this song "If Life Is So Short" was certified five times platinum in the Philippines, and this music video was MTV Asia's 1998 number one music video.

They were often mistaken as a boy band maybe because this was also the time where Backstreet Boys and N'Sync were dominating the pop charts in America and in Europe.  I was one of those who were able to watch their concerts, and I can say that this group was NOT a boy band. They may be young - they were just teenagers then - but their performances were as good as those of adult rock bands.  They can really rock.  But unfortunately, before they can totally make their mark in Europe and in the U.S., they disbanded in 2001.

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