Friday, November 30, 2012


I used to have a negative view on rock music. I considered rock music as noise and a devil's sound. This may be because of all the negative articles that I read and heard about rock music. I read that rock songs contain hidden evil messages when such songs are reversed or played backwards, a technique which is popularly known as backmasking. But as my ears grew musically matured, I realized that why should I reverse a song just to get its messages. For me, just by listening to a song in a normal way, you can easily tell whether a song contains evil messages or not. There's no need to play it backwards.  

My negative view on rock music changed when I started to take into consideration the lyrics of all songs that I heard regardless of the songs' genre, and I found out that not all rock songs have offensive messages. Why should we pick only the rock songs when there are also songs from other genres that contain offensive lyrics.

Aside from the negative articles that I read about rock music, the other reason for my negative view of this type of music is that it is not my type of music, it does not appeal to my musical taste. But now I realized that just because I don't like rock music does not mean that this type of music is not good. When it comes to music, it's a matter of choice or preference and also let me add, a matter of lyrics. Lyrics of songs play a great role in music's influence.  For me, there is no bad music genre, be it rock, pop, country, jazz or r & b.  What makes music negative is when it influences people in a negative way; when it offends people.  My favorite types of rock music are pop rock and a little bit of alternative rock.  There are certain rock songs that I like. I like Green Day's "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" and Linkin Park's "What I've Done".  They have good messages.

Next time, I should listen carefully to a rock song first and not immediately judge it as evil or offensive.

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