Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Choice quotes from the song:

"'Cause we all live under the same sun, we all walk under the same moon, then why, why can't we live as one?"

"Do you ever ask yourself; is there a heaven in the sky?  Why can't we stop the fight?"

"'Cause we all live under the same sky, we all look up at the same stars, then why can't we live as one?"

What are the reasons why we can't live as one?  There are so many answers to this question.  Every answer differs from person to person, from country to country and from continent to continent. But as an Asian, my personal answer is racial discrimination and greed.  Some people who are from "rich and powerful" countries feel that they belong to superior races just because their countries are rich and powerful.  There's no problem if they feel that way, but do they have to look down or discriminate those people who are from poor countries or those people who are different from them in terms of religion, culture and race?  

How many times do I hear from my fellow Asians who studied and migrated to these rich and powerful countries experienced some discrimination?  Until now, discrimination of all sorts is still happening around the globe, and the usual victims are the blacks, the Asians and the Muslims.  Then they wonder why we can't live as one.

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