Saturday, December 29, 2012


Title: O Sole Mio
Artist: Il Volo
Country: Italy

When I first saw Il Volo performed O Sole Mio in American Idol in 2011, I was blown away.  I was totally amazed by their unique voices. I say UNIQUE because they were only sixteen, seventeen and eighteen years old and yet they have that powerful natural voices that are simply amazing.  They are totally different from today’s teenage male artists and male groups who are usually over hyped and over rated. 

I noticed that in order to be successful in today’s music industry, young male artists and male groups have to be good looking, have silly but cute music videos, a little bit of intrigues and huge fan bases composed mostly of screaming teenage girls and young adults.

But Il Volo’s success is strongly anchored on each of the members’ real, natural and unique talent.  What makes them different from other young male artists is that they appeal not just to young adults and teenagers but also to the elder ones – the grandparents and parents alike.

One more thing, I love how they sing, because they sing from their hearts, you can really feel it.  God bless Il Volo.

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