Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Last Saturday, October 27, Madonna got booed on her MDNA concert tour in New Orleans.  Concertgoers were angered and booed Madonna when she encouraged  the audience to vote for Obama. She told them, "I don't care, who you vote for as long as you vote for Obama."

cc photo by choupigloupi on flickr
Politics and religion are very sensitive topics.  It's an unofficial rule that one should not talk about politics or religion in any occasion or gatherings. People have different beliefs and opinions and these two topics would often create heated debates and arguments.

While there is what we call "freedom of expression", that "freedom" should not be misinterpreted as saying or doing whatever you want to say or do without taking into consideration the feelings of other people around you.  

Next time Madonna, just concentrate on your concert.  Your fans are there to see you perform and enjoy your music not for politics. 

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