Friday, May 3, 2013


Title: (God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time On You
Artist: N Sync
Country: U.S.A.

This is one of N Sync's most unforgettable music videos, and the song is also one of N Sync's best songs. This is far different from their earlier music videos that have lively and carefree theme fit for teenyboppers. This music video has a serious and mature tone. This is about the beautiful bond between a mother and her son.

Since we are in the month of May which is the month of Mother's Day, I would like to dedicate this music video to all the mothers in the world, especially to my colleagues who are mothers.

I may not have the best and perfect mother in this world, but I am proud of my mother for giving me life, for welcoming me into this world. How many babies out there who were not given the chance to live because their mothers aborted them? I know it is not easy to take care and raise a child, it takes a lot of sacrifices, but my mom took care of me and my siblings even in the absence of a father, and for that, THANK YOU MAMA! God bless you always.

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