Wednesday, June 27, 2012


50 cent by aleksey.const, on Flickr
cc photo by Alex Const on flickr

Last February, rapper 50 Cent flew with World Food Program to Kenya and Somalia in the African continent. There, he witnessed firsthand the effects of hunger especially on children who only have one meal a day. What he witnessed had deeply touched him, he said, "It enlightened me in different ways.  To actually see people under the circumstances that I saw was a totally different experience."  Later, 50 Cent announced that part of the proceeds from Street King; an energy drink that he launched last year would be used to help fight hunger in Africa.  His goal is to provide one billion meals to hungry children over the next five years, and so far, he's provided more than 3.5 million meals.

Source:  Huffington Post

But I read that there are some people who reportedly questioned the sincerity of 50 Cent's motives.  Whether his motive is genuine or not, only God knows.  What is important is that he's doing something to help those who need help.

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